Installing the QAWeb agent
Installation overview
Before installing the software on a workstation, refer to the system requirements (See System requirements). Additionally, note that installing the QAWeb agent requires administrative privileges on the workstation.
The installation can be performed in two ways:
Using the graphical installation wizard.
Using the command-line interface. This allows installing the QAWeb agent on a large number of workstations using automated software deployment tools.
If an older QAWeb Enterprise agent version is already installed, it will be automatically upgraded by the installation process. It is not required to first uninstall the older version.
The installation of QAWeb Enterprise agent consists of two phases: installation and configuration.
Software Installation: The agent is installed in the operating system.
Agent Configuration: The settings of the agent can be configured.
It is possible to apply a different configuration at any moment after installation, without the need to re-install the software. For example, an agent configured in stand-alone mode can later be configured to operate in online mode.
When the QAWeb agent will be installed for use in online mode, have the following information at hand:
Using the QAWeb Enterprise Portal, retrieve the organization ID and registration key of your QAWeb Enterprise organization. This will be used to register the workstation with your organization during the installation process.
If an HTTP proxy server needs be used for accessing the online service, have the configuration details available (server hostname or address, port, user and password).
The installation of QAWeb Enterprise Agent requires Administrator priviliges. It can be done by any authorized user with suffcient privileges. It does not require special training.
Downloading the agent installation software
The latest version of the QAWeb agent software can be downloaded from the QAWeb Enterprise Portal.
Login into to the portal (
Click Administration in the header menu.
Click My organization in the side menu.
Click the Download button to download the QAWeb Enterprise Agent installer.
The QAWeb agent software can also be downloaded from the Barco support page ( This is useful when using the agent only in stand-alone mode, because it does not require you to sign up for the QAWeb Enterprise Portal.
Installing the agent using the graphical installation wizard
Launch the graphical installation wizard by executing qaweb-agent-installer.exe.
In the second phase, complete the configuration wizard.
Select the operating mode.
Configure the HTTP proxy server settings. This step is skipped when stand-alone mode was selected and when both the ‘check for updates’ and ‘anonymized information sharing’ were unselected.
Enter the organization ID and registration key. This step is skipped when stand-alone mode was selected.
Confirm your settings.
In the final step, the settings are applied.
Installing the agent via the command-line
Command-line installation requires the following arguments:
qaweb-agent-installer.exe /S /ORG <organization ID> /REGKEY <registrationkey>
Please note that all options are case sensitive.
Additionally, the following command line parameters can be used:
select the operating mode. Options:online
use a proxy server for the connection. Options:no
hostname of the proxy server. (implies/PROXY custom
port number of the proxy server (implies/PROXY custom
optional username for proxy authentication (implies/PROXY custom
optional password for proxy authentication (implies/PROXY custom
to add a shortcut to the desktop to open the workstation detail window of the agent (default:no
to specify the hostname of the local server. (implies/MODE localserver
enable periodic check for updates. Options:yes
). This is only applicable to standalone configurations./SHARE_DIAGNOSTICS
enable periodic sharing of relevant info to improve our product. Options:yes
). This is only applicable to standalone configurations./QAWEB1_ACTION
specify the behavior when MediCal QAWeb Agent is found on the workstation. Options:abort
Uninstalling the agent
Uninstalling the Agent can be initiated in various ways:
Via the ‘Add or remove programs’ in the ‘Windows Control Panel’: scroll to the entry of ‘QAWeb Enterprise Agent’ and uninstall the application.
Via the ‘Uninstall’ application located in the installation directory (default C:\Program Files\Barco\QAWeb).
Uninstalling the QAWeb Enterprise Agent will remove all configuration data. This includes:
Local configuration
Personal preferences
Registration to the QAWeb Enterprise Portal (when applicable)
Log files
Uninstalling the agent via the command-line
To uninstall the agent via command-line, use the following command, in the installation directory (default ‘C:\Program Files\Barco\QAWeb’):
uninstall.exe /S
Post installation steps
When the installation and registration procedure has been successful, the QAWeb Enterprise agent icon will appear in the Windows notification area. It is recommended to configure Windows to always show this icon in the notification area.

Immediately after successful installation and registration, the agent may start several QA tests and apply display settings. The agent will evaluate which tasks to perform based on the following default values:
The displays connected to the workstation are given a default use (based on the Barco display model).
A default ambient light value of 35 lux will be used to calculate the reflected ambient light during calibration and QA tests.
Modifying the agent configuration after installation
A number settings can be modified after registration using the executable configurator.exe, located in the installation directory (default C:\Program Files\Barco\QAWeb). When running this application, the configuration phase of the installer will be repeated. This allows the re-apply the following settings:
switch between operating modes (for example: switch from stand-alone mode to online mode).
re-register the agent to a new organization.
modifying the HTTP proxy server settings.
Modifying the log level is available to investigate technical issues.
By default, the agent uses the language of the operating system. Alternatively, a specific language can be set.
The configurator can also be used through command line parameters:
--mode <mode>
--server <hostname>
The hostname of the local server (implies modelocalserver
)--updates <yesOrNo>
Periodically check for updates:yes
). Only applies to standalone mode.--sharediagnostics <yesOrNo>
Periodically check for updates:yes
). Only applies to standalone mode.--proxy <proxy>
)--proxyhost <host>
Hostname of the proxy server (implies proxycustom
)--proxyport <port>
Port number of the proxy server (implies proxycustom
)--proxyuser <user>
the username needed for proxy authentication (if required) (implies proxycustom
)--proxypwd <password>
the password needed for proxy authentication (if required) (implies proxycustom
)--regkey <key>
Registration key (not applicable for modestandalone
)--org <organization>
Organization ID (not applicable for modestandalone
Prepare the installation for ghost image creation
Upgrade and maintenance
QAWeb Enterprise Agent contains a function which notifies the user when a new version is available. Clicking this notification will start the update of the application.
Barco recommends to update to the latest version of the Agent when available. An update could contain new features, solutions for defects and security vulnerabilities. Barco Support will require your installation to to be up to date with the latest version to be able to provide adequate support.
Instructions for ‘ghosting’
The term ‘ghosting’ refers to the practice of making an image of the entire operating system and installed software, which subsequently is applied / restored to different workstations in order to provide the end-users a reliable and controlled environment.
When creating a ghost image of a workstation, it is important that the workstation-specific local data is removed first using the sysprep procedure. This will remove the workstation-specific identifiers that are automatically created on start-up of the Agent. If the sysprep procedure is omitted, then all cloned workstations will have invalid identifiers and will not be able to properly connect to the online service / server.
To correctly create and distribute workstation ghost images including the QAweb Enterprise agent:
Shutdown the Barco QAWeb Agent (stop the Windows Service).
Run configurator.exe --sysprep.
Create the ghost image (without restarting the Agent again).
On each cloned workstation, after start-up, run configurator.exe (either using the graphical user interface, or using the command-line arguments) to register the agent to the server.