Managing and applying policies
Creating and editing custom policies
QAWeb Enterprise contains a Barco default QA policy and calibration policy based on functional defaults and taking international standards into consideration for the configured use of the display. Barco-managed policies cannot be modified. If these policies do not fit your requirements, you can create your own policies with a customized set of QA tests, settings and schedule. A custom policy can be created in two ways:
By duplicating an existing policy
By creating a new (empty) policy
The general steps to modify QA policies and calibration policies are similar, as explained below.
Changes to policies that are currently assigned to the organizational tree are immediately applied, possibly impacting many active workstations. Barco recommends making a copy of an existing policy and customizing it as desired before assignment.
Modifying QA policies
Note that the permission edit policies is required to perform these actions.
To navigate to the QA policies management screen:
Select QA in the top header menu
In the left navigation menu, under the Policies section, select the QA menu item.

The left panel contains the list of policies that have been created in your organization. Managed policies are indicated by a lock icon and cannot be modified. Policies without the lock icon are Custom policies. The right panel indicates which policies are assigned to the organizational structure.
To create a new (empty) policy:
In the Create Policy dialog: Enter a unique name and optionally add a description.
Click the ‘Save’ button.
Add QA tests to the policy (described further in this chapter).
It is also possible to create a policy by duplicating an existing policy:
Open the policy details by clicking the policy name in the left panel.
In the Duplicate policy dialog: Enter a unique name and optionally add a description.
Click the Save button.
Add more QA tests, or delete or modify existing QA tests (described further in this chapter).

In both cases, when a QA policy is opened, the following actions can be performed: * The name and description of the policy can be edited * New QA tests can be added to the policy by:
In the dialog window, select the QA test to be added.
Select one or more uses for which the QA test is applicable.
Modify the schedule and other parameters if needed. Refer to QA policy test types for information on each QA test.
Click the Save button. The QA test will now be added to the currently selected QA policy.
Please note that the QA policy view will automatically group tasks with identical parameters. Adding a task with parameters identical to an existing task will not update the policy.
For each Test added to the policy, actions are available:
In the upper-right corner, the followings actions can be performed on the QA policy:
Modifying calibration policies
Note that the permission edit policies is required to perform these actions.
To navigate to the Calibration policies management screen:
Select QA in the top header menu
In the left navigation menu, under the Policies section, select the Calibration menu item.

The user interface for adding and duplicating calibration policies is similar to that of QA policies and is not repeated here.
Modifying ambient light policies
Note that the permission edit policies is required to perform these actions.
To navigate to the Ambient light policies management screen:
Select QA in the top header menu
In the left navigation menu, under the Policies section, select the Ambient light menu item.
See Ambient Light Policies how to modify ambient light policies.
Assigning Policies
Note that the permission assign policies is required to perform these actions.
In order to be effectively used by workstations / displays, a policy should be assigned to a node of the organizational structure (see also Policy hierarchy for the organizational structure).
To assign policies to the organizational structure, navigate to the QA policies, Calibration policies or Ambient light policies main screen. On the left pane, all available policies are listed. On the right pane, the organizational structure is visible, and also indicates to which nodes a policy is already assigned.
To assign a policy to the organizational tree, drag a policy from the left pane, and drop it on a node of organizational structure.
To un-assign an assigned policy, click on the X icon on the assigned policy. A confirmation dialog will be shown.
Assigning policies to the organizational tree may affect many active workstations. Take into account that this may trigger the execution of calibration and QA tests on workstations that are in use.