Setting up the organizational structure
About the organizational structure
The organizational structure represents the different entities in your organization, and assists you with:
Clearly dividing QA follow-up responsibilities by restricting the user scope to specific parts of the organizational tree structure.
Defining different policies and assigning them to specific parts of the organizational tree structure.
Better visualization of the QA status throughout your organization, for example by configuring dashboard widgets limited to specific parts of the organizational tree structure.
Initially, your organizational structure is empty and only contains the top ‘root’ node. While not recommended, it is possible to use QAWeb Enterprise without any further customizing of the organizational structure. In this instance, the system will use default policies for all connected workstations.
It is possible to create an organizational structure of up to 7 levels. The organizational structure not only allows you to keep your workstations hierarchically organized, it also allows you to assign policies and give user permissions to specific nodes in your organizational structure. The following types of nodes and hierarchical order are available:

Out of the seven levels, three levels are mandatory:
Organization: The top level, or ‘root’, of the tree.
Hospital: The hospital level is intended to represent a physical location. An address must be defined for each hospital.
Room: The room level is intended to represent a physical room to which workstations are assigned (see also: Assigning workstations to a room).
The other four levels are optional. The names of these types are intentionally kept generic to fit a variety of configurations.
Division and Subdivision can be used to group multiple hospitals.
Department and Subdepartment can be used to group multiple rooms (below the hospital level).
Note that it is possible to re-arrange the structure after creation by using the drag-and-drop functionality. However, pay attention when doing this, because it can result in changes to the effective policies for workstations if you have assigned specific policies to specific organization branches.
Room ambient light settings
During display calibration, the effects of ambient lighting (ambient illumance) are taken into account. The amount of light taken into account is determined by the ambient light policy applicable to the room to which the workstation is assigned (see: Ambient Light Policies).
Modifying the organizational structure
Click Administration in the header menu.
Click Structure in the side menu.
Integrating QAWeb 1 workstations
Results from workstations which are still managed by QAWeb 1, can be incorporated into the reporting area of QAWeb Enterprise. Workstations will appear in the workstation list. There one can view the task results and QA status.
To enable the QAWeb 1 Bridge, do one of the following:
Provide the name of the QAWeb 1 facility when you sign up for QAWeb Enterprise.
Contact Barco support to link the QAWeb 1 facility to your existing QAWeb Enterprise organization.
When the QAWeb 1 Bridge is enabled, the QAWeb 1 facilities will appear as ‘unmapped locations’ in the QAWeb 1 Migrations page (Administration > QAWeb 1 > Migration). This page shows the current organization tree. It allows mapping the QAWeb 1 locations QAWeb Enterprise room. After mapping, the workstations will appear in the Enterprise room.
QAWeb 1 workstations which should not be reported in QAWeb Enterprise can be excluded in the Administration > QAWeb 1 > Workstations page.