User guides - Healthcare
QAWeb Enterprise Portal
Table of contents
Links to documentation
System requirements
Web Browser requirements
Agent and network system requirements
Portal overview
Logging in
Navigation overview
Downloading the agent installation software
Locate your organization ID and registration key
Current user profile
About the dashboard
Customizing the dashboard
Widget: Latest incidents
Widget: Workstation status
Setting up the organizational structure
About the organizational structure
Room ambient light settings
Modifying the organizational structure
Integrating QAWeb 1 workstations
Assigning workstations to a room
Managing workstations and displays
The workstation overview page
Synchronization of the workstation agent with the server
Renaming a workstation
Inspecting calibration and QA tasks
Remote actions
Managing displays linked to a workstation
Modifying the ‘use’ of a display
Entering display notes
Disconnecting and unlinking displays
Managing the deletion of workstations and displays
Deleting a workstation
Deleting a display
Undoing the deletion of workstations and displays
Viewing and creating summary reports
User management
Single-Sign-On support
Access to multiple organizations
Adding new users
Modifying users’ details
Suspending / enabling users
About the organizational scope and permissions
List of permissions
Policies: Introduction
General concept
About the ‘use’ of a display
Policy hierarchy for the organizational structure
Summary: How the QA tests and calibration settings are determined for individual displays
Calibration Policies
Luminance Response function
White point luminance
White point chromaticity
Black point luminance
ICC profile generation
QA Policies
About QA policies
QA test schedule
Sensor used for executing QA tests
Individual tests and bundled tests
Acceptance tests and constancy tests
Regional regulations
QA policy test types
DICOM GSDF Luminance response test (LRT)
sRGB Luminance response test
Gamma Luminance response test
Custom Luminance response test
Maximum luminance test
Luminance ratio test
Luminance uniformity test
Multi-display luminance uniformity test
Visual test
SteadyColor response test
Grayscale chromaticity test
White point chromaticity test
Mammography compliance test
ONR 195240-20:2017 (Austria)
sRGB color space test
ICC Compliance test
DIN 6868-157 (Germany)
JESRA X-0093 (Japan)
BAG Wegleitung R-08-06 (Switzerland)
IEC 62563-2
Ambient Light Policies
Default ambient light policies
Ambient light warnings
Creating custom ambient light policies
Managing and applying policies
Creating and editing custom policies
Modifying QA policies
Modifying calibration policies
Modifying ambient light policies
Assigning Policies
Default policies
QA Status and Schedule Status
QA Status of individual tasks
Schedule Status of individual tasks
How the task schedule determines the execution time of tasks
Configure power management of automatable tasks
Workstation-level QA Status and Schedule Status
Summary: How to interpret QA Status and Schedule Status
Email notifications
About email notifications
Enable and configure email notifications in your organization
Turn on email notifications in your user profile
Reports and result lists
Export to Excel
Budget report
Task History
JC Report
QA Test Results
PDF Summary reports
Distribution by model
Distribution by use
Service and warranty status
Warranty status by backlight usage
Important information
Release notes
Report a Security Vulnerability / Incident
Disclaimer notice
Copyright notice
Open source components used
QAWeb Enterprise Agent
Table of contents
Notes and warnings
Quick start guide
Preparing the installation
Agent installation
Verifying the installation
How to verify or manually start display calibration
How to modify calibration and display settings
How to verify or manually start a QA test
Links to documentation
Agent System requirements
Operating System requirements
Agent operating mode
Workstation networking requirements
Supported displays
Supported external optical sensors
Installing the QAWeb agent
Installation overview
Downloading the agent installation software
Installing the agent using the graphical installation wizard
Installing the agent via the command-line
Uninstalling the agent
Uninstalling the agent via the command-line
Post installation steps
Modifying the agent configuration after installation
Upgrade and maintenance
Instructions for ‘ghosting’
User interface overview
Icon in the Windows notification area
Status panel and workstation details
Using the Status panel
Current QA status
Due tasks requiring user intervention
Current ambient light indication
Unlocking the display menu
Unlocking the display controls through system tray
Refreshing the server policy
Displaying test patterns
Using the Workstation Details
Opening the Portal
Task overview
Manually starting a calibration or QA test
To view the results of the latest calibration or QA test
Modifying the use of a display
Modifying the ambient light conditions
Using the policy editor
Settings per ‘use’
Schedule settings
Default policy
Tasks and behavior
DICOM GSDF Luminance response test (LRT)
SteadyColor response test
sRGB Luminance response test
Gamma Luminance response test
Custom Luminance response test
sRGB color space test
Luminance uniformity test
Maximum luminance test
Luminance ratio test
ICC compliance test
DIN 6868-157 (Germany)
ONR 195240-20 (Austria)
JESRA X-0093 (Japan)
BAG Wegleitung R-08-06 (Switzerland)
Mammography compliance tests
Visual test
IEC 62563-2
Display Defaults
Display recommended
Redefine the display defaults
Hardware maintenance
Matching the display luminance to an external photometer
Optimize I-Guard area
Command line interface
Policy management
Readout QA Status
Supported displays
Security recommendations
URLs accessed by Agent
Important information
Release notes
Indications for use
Intended usage environment
Intended users
Notice to the user and/or patient
Hospital IT security
Report a Security Vulnerability / Incident
How to retrieve version and product label information
How to receive a paper version of this manual
Disclaimer notice
Copyright notice
Information for Australia
Explanation of symbols
Open source components used
Touchbar App
Table of contents
System requirements
Silent installation
Touchbar Editor
Basic navigation
Device and profile
Program a control
Edit a control
Action overview
Barco Display
TouchBar Editor
User guides - Healthcare